Wystawa Juliana Antoniszczaka w Zachęcie. Otwarcie 21 stycznia 2013
Zapraszam na otwarcie wystawy mojego ojca, Juliana Antoniszczaka w Zachęcie w Warszawie, 21 stycznia 2013 r. o godzinie 19. Prace Juliana Antoniszczaka, filmowca, konstruktora, artysty oraz jego niezwykłe archiwum po raz pierwszy od jego nagłej śmierci w 1987 roku, będą pokazane w tak bogatym wyborze.
It was the perfect time to think silver. Silver was the future, it was spacy—the astronauts wore silver suits—Shepard, Grissom, and Glenn had already been up in them, and their equipment was silver, too. And silver was also the past—the Silver Screen—Hollywood actresses photographed in silver sets.
And maybe more than anything, silver was narcissism—mirrors were backed with silver.
Andy Warhol